Curs Maria Teresa Guasti (Università di Milano-Bicocca)
Advanced Issues in Cognitive Science and Linguistics
El curs es podrà seguir per webex. Els interessats a seguir-lo poden contactar la coordinadora del curs a:
20, 21, 23, 24 i 27 d’abril del 2020
De 9:00 a 11:30
The topics covered will draw evidence from various acquisition situations such as typical language development, language impairment, multilingual development. The lectures corresponding to points 2 to 4 in the syllabus are based on chapters 5.3, 7, 9, 10, 11 of Guasti (2017) and will expand from them with further readings that will be made available to students.
- An introduction to the course by M. T. Guasti (A. Gavarró)
- Acquisition of syntax: Clitics and Passives
- Acquisition of semantics/Pragmatics: Quantifiers and Implicatures
- Differentiating multilingualism from language impairment