
Sandwalk, Downe, juny 2014



1991 – Doctorat/PhD, University of Edinburgh

1986 – Llicenciatura en Filologia Catalana/BA, Universitat de Barcelona





Publicacions i treballs escrits/Publications and written work
Gavarró, A. & A. Keidel (to appear/per aparèixer) Subject-verb agreement: Three experiments on Catalan. First Language.

Agostinho, C., A.-L. Santos & A. Gavarró (to appear/per aparèixer) The acquisition of the verbal passive: The role of verb type. Language Acquisition.

Gavarró, A., J. Mateu, J. A. Mendia & X. Torres-Tamarit (eds.) (2024) RLLT 22 Selected Papers from Going Romance 36, Barcelona, Isogloss. Open Journal of Romance Linguistics 10(3).

Gavarró, A. & E. Pagliarini (per aparèixer/to appear) Word classes and psycholinguistics. In Anna-Maria De Cesare & Giampaolo Salvi (eds.) Manual of Romance Word Classes, Berlín: De Gruyter.

Gavarró, A. i S. Jo Galí (2024) L’adquisició de semblar en català: un experiment.  A Gibert-Sotelo, Elisabeth, Isabel Pujol, Assumpció Rost i Teresa de Jesús Tro (eds.) Linguistica sine finibus. Estudis dedicats a Montserrat Batllori Dillet, Girona: Documenta Universitaria, 413–433.

Margaza, P. & A. Gavarró (2023) Word order with transitives and the Interface Hypothesis in L2 Greek and L2 Spanish. In Georgios Georgiou, Christine Savvidou and Aretousa Giannakou (eds.) Advances in Second/Foreign Language Acquisition, Londres: Palgrave Macmillan, 95–121.

Margaza, P. & A. Gavarró (2023) Subject position and verb class in L2 Greek and L2 Spanish. Second Language Research.

Gavarró, A. & I. El Hadef (2023) A study on the acquisition of relativisation in Moroccan Arabic. In Avaz, M. (ed.) Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXXIV, Amsterdam/Filadèlfia: John Benjamins, 213–229.

Salmons, I. & A. Gavarró (2022) Intervention effects in Catalan agrammatism, Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 7(1). doi:

Zhu, Jingtao, Julie Franck, Luigi Rizzi & Anna Gavarró (2022) Do infants have abstract grammatical knowledge of word order at 17 months? Evidence from Mandarin Chinese. Journal of Child Language 49: 60–79. doi:

Salmons, I., H. Muntané-Sánchez i A. Gavarró (2022) Short-term memory and sentence comprehension in Catalan aphasia. Frontiers in Psychology. Language Sciences: 13:880398, 1–18.

Gavarró, A. i I. Salmons (2022) The agrammatic comprehension of indirect-object clitic left-dislocations in Catalan. Stem-, Spraack- en Taalpathologie, 27(2), 9–12.

Salmons, I., Muntané-Sánchez, H. i Gavarró, A. (2022) Nonverbal and verbal cognition in Catalan-speaking individuals with aphasia. Stem-, Spraak- and Taalpathologie, 27(2): 13–15.

Margaza, Panagiota & Anna Gavarró (2022) The Distribution of Subjects in L2 Spanish by Greek Learners, Frontiers in Psychology, section Language Sciences.

Salmons, Io, Adrià Rofes & Anna Gavarró (2021) Prova integral d’afàsia. Llibre d’ítems. Servei de Publicacions de la UAB.

Pagliarini, Elena, Marta Andrada Reyes, Maria Teresa Guasti, Stephen Crain i Anna Gavarró (2021) The role of age and language development on the acquisition of disjunction in negative sentences: a study on Catalan. Language Acquisition, 28: 153–165. doi:

Agostinho, C. & A. Gavarró (2021) The acquisition of verbal passives by Portuguese-speaking children: Some data from comprehension. In A. Dragomirescu, A. Nicolae, A. Boioc & S. Costea (eds.) Selected Papers of Going Romance 2017. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 9–27. doi:

Gavarró, A. & J. Zhu (2019-2020) Functional categories in very early acquisition. Linguistic Analysis, 42 (3/4): 583–600.

Gavarró, Anna (2020)  The acquisition of clitics in the Romance languages. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford University Press. doi:

Margaza, P. & A. Gavarró (2020) Null/overt subject alternations in L2 Spanish and L2 Greek. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 5(1), 55. DOI:

Margaza, P. & A. Gavarró (2020) The expression and position of subjects in L2 Greek. Proceedings of the 40th Meeting of the Department of Linguistics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Studies in Greek Linguistics 40,  293–302. 

Agostinho, C. & A. Gavarró (2020) The acquisition of implicit control in European Portuguese. In C. Suárez-Gómez & P. Guijarro-Fuentes (eds.) New Trends in Language Acquisition Within the Generative Perspective. Dordrecht: Springer, 219–238.

Gavarró, A. (2020) Child Relativised Minimality and grammaticality judgement. Frontiers in Psychology, section Language Sciences.

Gavarró, A. (2019) L1 variation in object pronominalisation, and the import of pragmatics. Probus 31(2): 299–322. doi: 10.1515/probus-2016-0011.

Zhu Jingtao & Anna Gavarró (2019) Testing language acquisition models: Null and overt topics in Mandarin. Journal of Child Language 46(4).

Ken Drozd, Darinka Anᵭelković, Maja Savić, Oliver Tošković, Anna Gavarró, Anna Lite, Gordana Hržica, Melita Kovačević, Jelena Kuvač Kraljević, Athina Skordi, Kristine Jensen de López, Lone Sundahl, Bart Hollebrandse, Angeliek van Hout, Margreet van Koert, Eve Fabre, Anja Hubert, Ira Noveck, Susan Ott, Kazuko Yatsushiro, Ingrida Balčiūnienė, Jūratė Ruzaitė, Maigi Vija, Daniela Gatt, Helen Grech, Dorota Kiebzak-Mandera, Aneta Miękisz, Natalia Gagarina, Julia Puzanova, Maša Popović, Svetlana Kapalkova, Daniela Slančová, Nafsika Smith, Heather van der Lely and Uli Sauerland (2019) A Crosslinguistic Study of Symmetrical Judgment. BUCLD 43 Proceedings. Cascadilla Press.

Gavarró, A. (ed.) (2018) On the Acquisition of the Syntax of Romance. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Language Acquisition and Language Disorders, 62.  vi, 287 pp.

Gavarró, A. (2018) Subextraction in child Catalan. In B. Hollebrandse, J. Kim, A. T. Pérez-Leroux & P. Schulz (eds.), T.O.M. and Grammar. Thoughts on Mind and Grammar: A Festschrift in honor of Tom Roeper. UMOP 41. Amherst, MA: GLSA.

Gavarró, A. (2018) ‘Child language acquisition.’ In The Cambridge Handbook of Spanish Linguistics, Geeslin, K. (ed.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 627–648.

Gavarró, A. (2018) ‘Language acquisition and change: the acquisition of the Catalan partitive and locative clitics.’ In Cuza, A. & P. Guijarro-Fuentes (eds.) Language Acquisition and Contact in the Iberian Peninsula, Berlin, Mouton-DeGruyter.

Hu, S., M. T. Guasti & A. Gavarró (2018) ‘Chinese children’s knowledge of topicalization: experimental evidence from a comprehension study.’ Journal of Psycholinguistic

Jensen de López, K., K. Schroeder & A. Gavarró (2018) ‘Successful passive sentence comprehension among Danish adolescents with autism spectrum disorders.’ Autism & Developmental Language Impairments 3: 1–16. doi: 10.1177/239694151876239

Gavarró, Anna & Stephanie Durrleman (eds.) (2018) Frontiers in Psychology Investigating Grammar in Autism Spectrum Disorders

Gavarró, A. ‘A sentence repetition task for Catalan-speaking children and children with Specific Language Impairment.’ In Grohmann, K. K., M. Kambanaros & E. Leivada (eds.) Developmental, Modal, and Pathological Variation: Linguistic and Cognitive Profiles for Speakers of Linguistically Proximal Languages and Varieties, Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01865.

Gavarró, A. & E. Palma ‘Sujetos, focos y tópicos en la adquisición del catalán.’ In Gallego, Á., Y. Rodríguez & J. Fernández (eds.) Relaciones sintácticas. Homenaje a José M. Brucart y M. Lluïsa Hernanz, Publicacions de la UAB, Bellaterra.

Rofes, A., L. Zakariás, K. Ceder, M. Lind, M. Blom Johansson, V. de Aguiar, J. Bjekić, V. Fyndanis, A. Gavarró, H. Gram Simonsen, C. Hernández Sacristán, M. Kambanaros, J. Kuvač Kraljević, S. Martínez-Ferreiro, İ. Mavis, C. Méndez Orellana, I. Sör, A. Lukács, M. Tunçer, J. Vuksanović, A. Munarriz Ibarrola, M. Pourquie, S. Varlokosta & D. Howard (2017) ‘Imageability ratings across languages.’ Behavior Research Methods. doi: 10.3758/s13428-017-0936-0.

Fyndanis, V., M. Lind, S. Varlokosta, H. Gram Simonsen, M. Kambanaros, K. Ceder, A. Rofes, E. Soroli, J. Bjekić, A. Gavarró Algueró, K. K. Grohmann, J. Kuvač Kraljević, S. Martínez-Ferreiro, A. Munarriz, P. Pourquie, J. Vuksanović, L. Zakariás & D. Howard (2017) ‘Cross-linguistic adaptations of The Comprehensive Aphasia Test: Challenges and solutions.’ Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 31(7-9): 697–710. doi: 10.1080/02699206.2017.1310299.

Gavarró, A. & X. Parramon (2017). ‘On the adjectival interpretation of passives in acquisition.’ Lingua 185: 11–24. doi: 10.1016/j.lingua.2016.07.003.

Haman, E., M. Łuniewska, P. Hansen, H. G. Simonsen, S. Chiat, J. Bjekić, A. Blažienė, K. Chyl, I. Dabašinskienė, P. Engel de Abreu, N. Gagarina, A. Gavarró, G. Håkansson, E. Harel, E. Holm, S. Kapalková, S. Kunnari, C. Levorato, J. Lindgren, K. Mieszkowska, L. Montes Salarich, A. Potgieter, I. Ribu, N. Ringblom, T. Rinker, M. Roch, D. Slančová, F. Southwood, R. Tedeschi, A. M. Tuncer, O. Ünal-Logacev, J. Vuksanović, & S. Armon-Lotem (2017) ‘Noun and verb knowledge in monolingual preschool children across 17 languages: data from Cross-linguistic Lexical Tasks (CLTs).’ Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 31(11–12): 818–843.

van Hout, A., O. Lungu, M. Arche, H. Demirdache, I. García del Real, A. García Sanz, A. Gavarró, L. Gómez Marzo, S. Hommes, N. Kazanina, J. Liu, F. Martin & I. Strangmann (2017) ‘Agent control and the acquisition of event culmination in Basque, Dutch, English, Spanish and Mandarin.’ In LaMendola, M. & J. Scott (eds.) Proceedings of the 41st Boston University Conference on Language Development, Cascadilla Press, Somerville, Mass., 323–332.

Katsos, Napoleon, Chris Cummins, Maria-José Ezeizabarrena, Anna Gavarró, Jelena Kuvač Kraljević, Gordana Hrzica, Kleanthes K. Grohmann, Athina Skordi, Kristine Jensen de López, Lone Sundahl, Angeliek van Hout, Bart Hollebrandse, Jessica Overweg, Myrthe Faber, Margreet van Koert, Nafsika Smith, Maigi Vija, Sirli Zupping, Sari Kunnari, Tiffany Morisseau, Manana Rusieshvili, Kazuko Yatsushiro, Anja Fengler, Spyridoula Varlokosta, Katerina Konstantzou, Shira Farby, Maria Teresa Guasti, Mirta Vernice, Reiko Okabe, Miwa Isobe, Peter Crosthwaite, Yoonjee Hong, Ingrida Balčiūnienė, Yanti Marina Ahmad Nizar, Helen Grech, Daniela Gatt, Win Nee Cheong, Arve Asbjørnsen, Janne von Koss Torkildsen, Ewa Haman, Aneta Miękisz, Natalia Gagarina, Julia Puzanova, Darinka Anđelković, Maja Savić, Smiljana Jošić, Daniela Slančová, Svetlana Kapalková, Tania Barberán, Duygu Özge, Saima Hassan, Cecilia Yuet Hung Chan, Tomoya Okubo, Heather van der Lely, Uli Sauerland, & Ira Noveck (2016) ‘Cross-linguistic patterns in the acquisition of quantifiers.’ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2016; published ahead of print August 1, 2016, doi:10.1073/pnas.1601341113

Gavarró, Anna & Myriam Cantú-Sánchez (2016) ‘A study on an alleged case of Spanish SLI and the founder effect.’ In Di Sciullo, Anna Maria (ed.) Biolinguistic Investigations on the Language Faculty, John Benjamins, Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 235, 169–194.

Gavarró, Anna (2016) ‘La psicolingüística.’ In Gutiérrez-Reixach, J. (ed.) Enciclopedia de Lingüística Hispánica, vol.1, 271-283. London, Routledge.

Gavarró, Anna & Maya Leela (2016) ‘Child Relativized Minimality and the acquisition of word order in Malayalam. Linguistic Analysis 40 (3/4): 413-443.

Magdalena Łuniewska, Ewa Haman, Sharon Armon-Lotem, Bartłomiej Etenkowski, Darinka Anđelković, Elma Blom, Tessel Boerma, Shula Chiat, Pascale Engel de Abreu, Natalia Gagarina, Anna Gavarró, Gisela Håkansson, Tina Hickey, Kristine Jensen de López, Theodoros Marinis, Maša Popović, Frenette Southwood, Elin Thordardottir, Agnė Blažienė, Myriam Cantú, Ineta Dabašinskienė, Pinar Ege, Inger-Anne Ehret, Nelly-Ann Fritsche, Daniela Gatt, Bibi Janssen, Maria Kambanaros, Svetlana Kapalková, Bjarke Kronqvist, Sari Kunnari, Chiara Levorato, Olga Nenonen, Siobhán Nic Fhlannchadha, Cara O’Toole, Kamila Polišenská, Barbara Pomiechowska, Natasha Ringblom, Tanja Rinker, Maja Roch, Maja Savić, Daniela Slančová, Ianthi Maria Tsimpli, Özlem Ünal-Logacev ‘Ratings of age of acquisition of 299 words across 25 Languages. Is there a cross-linguistic order of words?’ (2016) Behavior Research Methods 48(3): 1154–1177. doi: 10.3758/s13428-015-0636-6.

Hu, S., A. Gavarró & M. T. Guasti (2016) ‘Children’s production of head-final relative clauses: The case of Mandarin.’ Applied Psycholinguistics  37: 323-346. doi: 10.1017/S0142716414000587

Gavarró, A., S. Durrleman & H. Delage (2016) ‘Crosslinguistic variation in the acquisition of clitics: evidence from French and Catalan.’ In Scott, J. & D. Waughtal (eds.) BUCLD 40 Online Proceedings Supplement,

Armon-Lotem, S., E. Haman, K. Jensen de López, M. Smoczynska, K. Yatsushiro, M.Szczerbinsky, A. van Hout, I. Dabašinskienė, A. Gavarró, E. Hobbs, L. Kamandulytė-Merfeldienė, N. Katsos, S. Kunnari, C. Nitsiou, L. Sundahl Olsen, X. Parramon, U. Sauerland, R. Torn-Leesik & H. van der Lely (2016) ‘A large scale crosslinguistic investigation of the acquisition of passive.’ Language Acquisition 23(1): 27–56. doi: 10.1080/10489223.2015.1047095.

Varlokosta, S., A. Belletti, J. Costa, N. Friedmann, A. Gavarró, K. Grohmann, M. T. Guasti, L. Tuller, M. Lobo, D. Anđelković, N. Argemí, L. Avram, S. Berends, V. Brunetto, H. Delage, M. J. Ezeizabarrena, I. Fattal, E. Haman, A. van Hout, K. Jensen de López, N. Katsos, L. Kologranic, N. Krstić, J. Kuvac Kraljevic, A. Miękisz, M. Nerantzini, C. Queraltó, Z. Radic, S. Ruiz, U. Sauerland, A. Sevcenco, M. Smoczyńska, E. Theodorou, H. van der Lely, A. Veenstra, J. Weston, M. Yachini & K. Yatsushiro ‘A cross-linguistic study of the acquisition of clitic and pronoun production.’ Language Acquisition 23(1): 1–26. doi: 10.1080/10489223.2015.1028628.

Hu, Shenai, Anna Gavarró & Maria Teresa Guasti (2016) ‘The acquisition of Chinese relative clauses: contrasting two theoretical approaches’. Journal of Child Language 43, 1–21. doi: 10.1017/S0305000914000865

Adrià Rofes, Lilla Zakariás, Klaudia Ceder, Marianne Lind, Monica Bloom Johansson, Jovana Bjekić, Valantis Fyndanis, Anna Gavarró, Hanne Gram Simonsen, Carlos Hernández Sacristán, Jelena Kuvač Kraljević, Silvia Martínez-Ferreiro, İlknur Mavis, Carolina Méndez Orellana, Lotte Meteyard, Io Salmons, Ingrid Sör, Ágnes Lukács, Müge Tunçer, Jasmina Vuksanovic, Spyridoula Varlokosta, David Howard (2016). Word imageability from a cross-linguistic perspective. Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie, 21(1): 158-160.

Salmons, I. i Gavarró, A. (2016). The role of morphology and prosody in agrammatic comprehension. Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie, 21(1): 18-20.

Gavarró, Anna Estudis sobre sintaxi i patologies del llenguatge.  Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra.

Gavarró, Anna, Maya Leela, Luigi Rizzi & Julie Franck ‘Knowledge of the OV parameter setting at 19 months: Evidence from Hindi-Urdu’. Lingua 154: 27–34. doi: 10.1016/j.lingua.2014.11.001.

Gavarró, Anna & Anna Lite ‘Universal quantification in Catalan SLI’.  In Stavrakaki, S. (ed.) Current Trends in Research on Specific Language Impairment. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 191–214.

Gavarró, Anna & Shenai Hu ‘The acquisition of Mandarin relative clauses by preschool children’. In Hamann, C. & E. Ruigendijk (eds.) Language Acquisition and Development. Proceedings of GALA 2013. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Cambridge Academic Publishers, 120–131.

Gavarró, Anna & Noemí Fortón ‘Person features and the acquisition of clitics’. In Contemori, C. & L. Dal Pozzo (eds.)
Inquiries into Linguistic Theory and Language Acquisition. Papers Offered to Adriana Belletti, Siena, CISCL Press.

Gavarró, Anna & Yalda Heshmati ‘An investigation on the comprehension of Persian passives in typical development and autism’ Catalan Journal of Linguistics 13: 79–98.

Salmons, Io & Anna Gavarró ‘The comprehension of Catalan OVS and OSV structures in Broca’s aphasia’. Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie/Voive, Speech and Language Pathology.

Gavarró, Anna & Noemí Fortón ‘Person features and the acquisition of clitics’. In Contemori, Carla, Lena Dal Pozzo & Simona Matteini Internet Celebration for Adriana Belletti 60th Birthday. CISCL Press, ISBN 9788890794315.

Hu, Shenai & Anna Gavarró ‘Resumption as an option in Mandarin relative clauses’. Proceedings of the 25th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, University of Michigan.

Gavarró, Anna & Horacio Dotti ‘Long and short passives in Catalan and Spanish’. Aphasiology 28(1): 82–98. doi: 10.1080/02687038.2013.843152.

Salmons, Io, & Anna Gavarró ‘Topicalisation in Catalan agrammatism‘. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 17-18.

Gavarró, Anna & Io Salmons ‘The discrimination of intonational contours in Broca’s aphasia’. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 2013; 27(8): 632–646. doi: 10.3109/02699206.2013.800908.

Gavarró, Anna, Xavier Parramon & Lucrècia Rallo ‘The by-phrase in the acquisition of Majorcan Catalan passives‘.  In Stavrakaki, S., M. Lalioti & P. Konstantinopoulou (eds.) Advances in Language Acquisition, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 81–89.

Gavarró, Anna ‘
Third person clitic production and omission in Romance SLI’. In Guijarro-Fuentes, P. i P. Larrañaga (eds.) Pronouns and Clitics in Early Language, De Gruyter/Mouton, Berlín/Nova York, 79–104.

Anna Gavarró, Ana Espinosa, Marta Khouja, Helena Marcet, Olga Oliver i Verónica Redondo ‘Tasca de repetició per a l’avaluació de la maduresa gramatical: català’ . Report de recerca GGT-12-02.

Napoleon Katsos, Maria-José Ezeizabarrena, Anna Gavarró, Jelena Kuvač Kraljević, Gordana Hrzica, Kleanthes Grohmann, Athina Skordi, Kristine Jensen de López, Lone Sundahl, Angeliek van Hout, Bart Hollebrandse, Jessica Overweg, Myrthe Faber, Margreet van Koert, Chris Cummins, Nafsika Smith, Maigi Vija, Sirli Parm, Sari Kunnari, Tiffany Morisseau, Kazuko Yatsushiro, Anja Hubert, Spyridoula Varlokosta, Katerina Konstantzou, Shira Farby, Maria Teresa Guasti, Mirta Vernice, Ingrida Balčiūnienė, Jūratė Ruzaitė, Helen Grech, Daniela Gatt, Arve Asbjørnsen, Janne von Koss Torkildsen, Ewa Haman, Aneta Miękisz, Natalia Gagarina, Julia Puzanova, Darinka Andjelković, Maja Savić, Smiljana Jošić, Daniela Slančová, Svetlana Kapalková, Tania Barberán Recalde, Duygu Özge, Saima Hassan, Heather van der Lely, Uli Sauerland, Ira Noveck  ‘The Acquisition of Quantification across Languages: Some Predictions’. In Biller, A. K., E. Y. Chung, A. E. Kimball (eds.). BUCLD 36: Proceedings of the 36th Anual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Cascadilla Press, Somerville, Mass, 258–268.

Gavarró, Anna, Arnau Cunill, Míriam Muntané & Marc Reguant ‘The acquisition of Catalan relatives: structure and processing‘. In Avram, L. (ed.), special issue of Romanian Review of Linguistics 57(2): 183–201.

Gavarró, Anna, Flavia Adani, Marta Ramon, Sandra Rusiñol & Raquel Sànchez ‘La comprensió de les clàusules de relatiu en català infantil’. Caplletra 53, 1-15.

Pérez-Leroux, Ana-Teresa, Anna Gavarró & Tom Roeper ‘Language typology and the acquisition of bare noun/DP contrasts’.
Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique 56(3): 413–422.

Gavarró, Anna & Silvia Martínez-Ferreiro ‘Cartography and agrammatic syntactic production in Ibero-Romance‘. In Janine Berns, Haike Jacobs & Tobias Scheer (eds.) Romance languages and Linguistic Theory 2009. Selected Papers from Going Romance Nice 2009, John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 115–132.

Gavarró, Anna & Linda Escobar ‘A pilot study of quantification in child Catalan‘. Zeitschrift für Katalanistik 24, 183–211.

Gavarró, Anna, Arnau Cunill, Míriam Muntané & Marc Reguant ‘Catalan child relative contrasts as a processing effect’, Selected Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition in North America (GALANA 2010), M. Pirvulescu, M. C. Cuervo, A. T. Pérez-Leroux, J. Steele & N. Strik (eds.), Cascadilla Press, Somerville, Mass, 37–50.

Gavarró, Anna, Maria Teresa Guasti, Laurie Tuller, Philippe Prévost, Adriana Belletti, Luca Cilibrasi, Hélène Delage, Mirta Vernice ‘The acquisition of partitive clitics in Romance five-year-olds’. Iberia 3(2): 1–19.

Gavarró, Anna, Vicenç Torrens & Ken Wexler ‘Object clitic omission: two language types’.
Language Acquisition 17(4): 192-219.

Gavarró, Anna & Josep Romeu ‘Agentive versus non-agentive passives in Catalan agrammatism’. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 6: 200-201.

Torrens, Vicenç, Linda Escobar, Anna Gavarró & Junkal Gutiérrez (eds.) Movement and Clitics: Adult and Child Grammar. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle.

Gavarró, Anna, Wojciech Lewandowski & Angelina Markova ‘An approach to multiple interrogatives in child Bulgarian and Polish’. In J. Costa, A. Castro, M. Lobo and F. Pratas (eds.), Language Acquisition and Development Proceedings of GALA 2009, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle.

Morrill, Glyn & Anna Gavarró ‘Categorial complexity of relativisation and child romance performance’. In P. Guijarro- Fuentes and L. Domínguez (eds.), New Directions in Language Acquisition: Romance Languages in the Generative Perspective, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle.

Gavarró, Anna & Yolanda Cabré-Sans ‘Subjects, verb classes and word order in child Catalan’. In J. Grinstead (ed.) 
Perspectives on Typical and Atypical Hispanic Language Development,  Language Acquisition and Language Disorders 50, John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 175-194.

Gavarró, Anna & Marta Mosella ‘Testing syntactic and pragmatic accounts of clitic omission’. Proceedings of the 3rd Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition in North America (GALANA 2008), ed. Jean Crawford, Koichi Otaki, Masahiko Takahashi. Cascadilla Press, Somerville, 25-35.

Brucart, Josep Maria, Anna Gavarró & Jaume Solà (eds.) Merging Features: Computation, Interpretation and Acquisition. Oxford University Press, Oxford/New York.

Gavarró, Anna, Flavia Adani, Marta Ramon, Sandra Rusiñol & Raquel Sànchez ‘On the comprehension of relative clauses in child Catalan’. Report de recerca/Research report GGT-09-11.

Guasti, Maria Teresa, Anna Gavarró, Joke De Lange & Claudia Caprin ‘Article omission across child languages’,
Language Acquisition 15(2): 89-119 .

Gavarró, Anna & Maria João Freitas (eds.) Language Acquisition and Development. Proceedings of GALA 2007. Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle.

Gavarró, Anna & Wojciech Lewandowski ‘The acquisiton of the left periphery of DP: evidence from Polish’. Annual Workshop on Formal Aproaches to Slavic Linguistics. The Stony Brook Meeting 2007, ed. Andrei Antonenko, John Bailyn & Christina Bethin, Michigan Slavic Publications, Ann Arbor.

Gavarró, Anna & Silvia Martínez-Ferreiro  ‘Tense and agreement impairment in Ibero-Romance’, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 36(1), 25–46.

Balari, Sergio & Anna Gavarró  Les bases biològiques del llenguatge. Materials 194, Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra.

Gavarró, Anna  ‘Lingüística i neuroimatge’, in Cabré, T. (ed.) Catalan Journal of Linguistics monograph.

Cabré-Sans, Yolanda & Anna Gavarró  ‘Subject distribution and verb classes in child Catalan’, Galana 2Proceedings of the Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition – North America 2, ed. A. Belikova, L. Meroni & M. Umeda, Cascadilla Press, Somerville.

Gavarró, Anna & Conxita Lleó (eds) Catalan Journal of Linguistics. Issue on The Acquisition of Romance, volume 5.

Solà, Jaume & Anna Gavarró ‘Subextraction in Romance interrogatives’, in J. Doetjes & P. González (eds.) Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2004, John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 297–315. 

Gavarró, Anna, Ana-Teresa Pérez-Leroux & Tom Roeper ‘Definite and bare noun contrasts in child Catalan’, in Torrens, V. & L. Escobar (eds), The Acquisition of Syntax in Romance Languages, John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 51–68. 

Gavarró, Anna, Meritxell Mata & Eulàlia Ribera ‘L’omissió dels clítics d’objecte i partitius en el català infantil: dades espontànies’, Zeitschrift für Katalanistik, special volume La gramàtica pronominal del català – Variació, evolució, funció/The grammar of Catalan pronouns – Variation, evolution, function, ed. C. Pusch, Shaker, Aachen, 27–46. 

Gavarró, Anna ‘The interpretation of ambiguous dislocations in Broca’s aphasia’, Brain and Language 95(1), 117–118.

Wexler, Ken, Anna Gavarró & Vicenç Torrens ‘Feature checking and object clitic omission in child Catalan”’ in Bok-Bennema, R., B. Hollebrandse, B. Kampers Mahne & P. Sleeman (eds.) Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2002, John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 253–268. 

Guasti, Maria Teresa, Joke De Lange, Anna Gavarró  ‘Article omission: across child languages and across special registers’, in Van Kampen, J., & S. Baauw (eds.) Proceedings of GALA (Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition) 2003  LOT Occasional Series, vol. 1, 199–210.

Morrill, Glyn & Anna Gavarró ‘On aphasic comprehension and working memory load’, Proceedings of Categorial Grammars: An Efficient Tool for Natural Language Processing, Montpellier, 259–287.

Gavarró, Anna & Montserrat Batllori ‘A review of The Catalan Clitic System. A Diachronic Perspective on its Syntax and Phonology’, Zeitschrift für Katalanistik 17, 257–261.

Gavarró, Anna  ‘Modals and aspectuals as functional projections: implications for acquisition and agrammatism’, in Verbal Periphrases in the (Ibero-)Romance Languages (Romanistik in Geschichte und Gegenwart;  Beihefte 9), Buske Verlag, Hamburg, 231–244. 

Gavarró, Anna ‘Economy and word order patterns in bilingual English-Dutch acquisition’, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 6(1), 69–79. 

Gavarró, Anna ‘Economy and word order in bilingual acquisition’, Europa der Sprachen: Sprachkompetenz, Mehrsprachikeit, Translation. Vol. II: Sprache und Kognition, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt/Berlin, 503–511.

Guasti, Maria Teresa & Anna Gavarró  ‘Catalan as a test for hypotheses concerning article omission’, 27 BUCLD Proceedings, Cascadilla Press, Somerville, 288-298.

Gavarró, Anna ‘A subject clitic in child Catalan”’ Nordlyd 31(3), 558–572, special issue Proceedings of the 19th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics.

Gavarró, Anna   ‘Modals in Catalan: acquisition, structure and word order’, in Lee, J., K. Geeslin & J. C. Clements (eds.) Structure, Meaning, and Acquisition. Papers from the 4th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, Cascadilla Press, Somerville, 165–177.

Gavarró, Anna  ‘Failure to agree in agrammatism’, in Fava, E. (ed.) Clinical Linguistics, CILT series n. 227, John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 267–278.

Gavarró, Anna & Brenda Laca  ‘Les perífrasis temporals, aspectuals i modals’, in Solà, J., R. Lloret, J. Mascaró & M. Pérez-Saldanya (eds.) Gramàtica del Català Contemporani, vol. 3, Editorial Empúries, Barcelona, 2663–2726.

Escobar, Linda & Anna Gavarró ‘The acquisition of Catalan clitics and its implications for complex verb structure’, in Lasser, I. (ed.) The Process of Language Acquisition, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt/Berlin, 99–114. 

Gavarró, Anna  ‘La sintaxis del orden de palabras: dos casos de adquisición bilingüe’,  in Moreno, A. & V. Colwell (eds.) Perspectivas recientes sobre el discurso/Recent Perspectives on Discourse, AESLA, Publicaciones de la Universidad de León.

Escobar, Linda & Anna Gavarró  ‘The acquisition of clitics and strong pronouns in Catalan’, in Gerlach, B. & J. Grijzenhout (eds.) Clitics in Phonology, Morphology and Syntax, John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 161–180.

Gavarró, Anna ‘Word order alternations and feature assignment in bilingual Catalan acquisition’, Probus 10, 1–12.

Gavarró, Anna & Jaume Solà  ‘Word order acquisition in bilingual contexts: evidence from Catalan’, in Sorace, A., C. Heycock & R. Shillcock (eds.) Proceedings of GALA ‘97 Conference on Language Acquisition, HCRC, Edinburgh, 515–520.

Cortés, Corinne & Anna Gavarró  ‘Catalan Subject-Object Asymmetries and the clitic en’, in J. Black & V. Motapanyane (eds.) Clitics, Pronouns and Movement, John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia,  39–62.

Gavarró, Anna  ‘La truncació de les categories funcionals en l’adquisició del català,’ Llengua i Literatura 8,  289–308.

Gavarró, Anna & Glyn Morrill  ‘Semiòtica, funció simbòlica i llenguatge poètic: Relacions amb la lingüística’, in Folch, P. & M.T. Miró (eds.)  Debats a la cruïlla sobre el símbol, Promocions i Publicacions Universitàries, Barcelona, 169–175.

Gavarró, Anna  ‘On the Implications of Inalienability for Double Object Structure”, Catalan Working Papers in Linguistics 1995, UAB, 229–241.

Gavarró, Anna  “Laura y un hombre sin palabras: Una reseña”,
Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología, Vol. XIII, 3, 169–173.

Morrill, Glyn & Anna Gavarró  “Catalan Clitics”, in Lecomte, A. (ed.) Word Order in Categorial Grammar/L’ordre des mots dans les grammaires catégorielles, Adosa, Clermont-Ferrand, 211–232.

Gavarró, Anna  “Qüestions pendents per a una anàlisi d’herència en morfologia”, in Martín-Vide, C. (ed.) Actes del VIII Congrés de Llenguatges Naturals i Llenguatges Formals, Promocions i Publicacions Universitàries, Barcelona, 343–348.

Gavarró, Anna  “Sobre alguns compostos adjectivals del català”, in Massot, J. (ed.)  Miscel.lània Jordi Carbonell, Vol. 3, Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, Barcelona, 279–291.

Gavarró, Anna  “Els compostos del català a la teoria de la recció i el lligament”, in  Kobbervig, C., A. Pacheco & J. Massot (eds.) Actes del Sisè Col.loqui d’Estudis Catalans a Nord-Amèrica, Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, Barcelona, 143–154.

Gavarró, Anna  “Empty objects in Catalan”, Catalan Working Papers in Linguistics 1992, UAB, 145–161.

Gavarró, Anna  “A Note on Catalan Clitics”, Catalan Working Papers in Linguistics 1991, UAB, 65–73.

Gavarró, Anna “A Reply to Scalise on ‘The Notion of Head in Morphology’”, Yearbook of Morphology, Vol. 3, 123–127.

Altres treballs escrits/Other written works
Salmons, I., Muntané-Sànchez, H. & Gavarró, A. (2023) Memòria a curt termini i comprensió en catalanoparlants amb afàsia. UABDivulga 05.2023.

Gavarró, A. (2021) Sobre llenguatge i adquisició. Revista d’Igualada, 67, 44–49.

Zhu, Jingtao & A. Gavarró (2020) Com aprenem una llengua: Importa la freqüència en l’input? UABDivulga 05/03/2020.

Gavarró, A. (2017) ‘Pautas universales en la adquisición del lenguaje.’ Investigación y Ciencia 484: 13–14.

Gavarró, A. (2014) Comprensió de frases passives per part de pacients amb afàsia de Broca. UABDivulga 05/2014.

Gavarró, A. (2013) L’aprenentatge dels relatius en català. UABDivulga 03.2013.

Gavarró, A. i S. Martínez-Ferreiro (2007) Estudi de pacients afectats d’afàsia de Broca. UABDivulga 09/2007.

Ferrer, P., A. Gavarró, J. M. Palet, J. Surrallés, L. M. Mir-Martínez, J. Ortiz, A.Uscatescu, L. Giménez-Llort, T. Férriz-Roure, B. Saez-Tajafuerce, J. Quer, M. A. Escobar, S. Montón-Subías, C. X. Simó & R. Herrero (2000) Carta ‘Returners not welcome to Spanish universities’, Nature 407:6807, 26/10/2000, 941.

Gavarró, Anna (1991) Syntactic Theory and the Grammar of Catalan compounds. PhD, University of Edinburgh.

Investigadora principal de projectes passats/Past projects PI
FFI2017-87699-P ‘Desenvolupament, adquisició i mecanismes de variació’ (IP Anna Gavarró; 01.01.2018–30.09.2021)

FFI2014-56968-C4-1-P ‘La variació en la interfície lèxic-sintaxi’ (IPa Jaume Mateu i Anna Gavarró; 01.01.2015–31.12.2017)

Supervisió de postgrau/Research supervision

Estudiants de doctorat supervisats en l’actualitat/Doctoral students currently supervised
Alejandra Keidel, Iman El Hadef (amb I. Salmons) currently on leave/de baixa temporal, Duna Ninyerola (amb E. Bonet), Jin Yan (amb E. Pagliarini)

Tesis doctorals/Doctoral dissertations
Nazzal, T., The early acquisition of syntax. Evidence from Palestinian Arabic, Doctorat de Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, UAB, 26.1.2024.

Zhu Jingtao, Studies in early Mandarin syntax, Doctorat de Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, UAB, 20.12.2021.

Agostinho, C., The acquisition of the passive in European Portuguese, Doctorat en Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, UAB. 2020.

Margaza, P., The distribution of subjects in L2 Spanish and L2 Greek, Doctorat en Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, UAB. 2018.

Leela, M., Early acquisition of word order: evidence from Hindi-Urdu and Malayalam, Doctorat de Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, UAB.  2016.

Parramon, X., Actional passives in child Catalan, Doctorat en Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, UAB. 2016.

Salmons, I., The agrammatic comprehension of contrastive focus and clitic left dislocation in Catalan, Doctorat en Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, UAB. 2015.

Hu, S., Intervention effects and the acquisition of relativisation and topicalization in Chinese, Doctorat en Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, UAB and Università Degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, codirigida amb M. T. Guasti. 2014.

Martínez-Ferreiro, S., Towards a characterization of agrammatism in Ibero-Romance, Doctorat en Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, UAB. 2010.

Tesis de màster/MA dissertations
Mònica Martínez, The acquisition of raising verbs: the case of Catalan semblar (Màster en Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, UAB), 2023.

Duna Ninyerola, Acquisition of complex syllabic onsets in Catalan children (Màster en Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, UAB), co-dirigit amb E. Bonet, 2023.

Laura Gornati, The perception of accent and intonation in Italian teenagers with Developmental Dyslexia (Màster en Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, UAB), co-dirigit amb E. Pagliarini. 2021.

Iman el Hadef Hammad, A comparative study on the acquisition of relative clauses in Darija and English (MA in Advanced English Studies), co-dirigit amb M. Llinàs. 2020.

Maria Sánchez, Subject-verb agreement comprehension in child Catalan (Màster en Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, UAB). 2020.

Jingtao Zhu, Parameter setting in language acquisition: A study of the acquisition of null objects and the ba construction in Chinese (Màster en Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, UAB). 2015.

Yalda Heshmati, Comprehension of passives in Persian speaking children with ASD – An investigation of grammar in autism  (Màster en Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, UAB). 2013.

Kristen Schroeder, What was done to whom? Passive voice comprehension in high-functioning Danish autistics (Màster en Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, UAB). 2013.

Quitaf Jassim, Relative clauses in Iraqi Arabic and the status of the resumptive strategy (Màster en Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge), co-directed with Jaume Solà. 2011.

Myriam Cantú-Sánchez, Nominal plural marking of nonce words in child Spanish (Màster de Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge), co-directed with John Grinstead. 2011.

Anna Lite, Aspectes de l’adquisició de la quantificació en català (Màster en Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, UAB). 2010.

Io Salmons Llussà, Intonational patterns and comprehension in Broca’s aphasia (Màster en Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, UAB). 2010.

Xavier Parramon, The acquisition of actional passives in Catalan (Màster de Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, UAB). 2009.

Marta Mosella, L’adquisició del clític d’objecte indirecte en català (Màster de Llengua i Literatura Catalanes, UAB). 2007.

Yolanda Cabré-Sans, L’adquisició del subjecte en català (Doctorat de Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, UPF). 2007.

Paolo Lorusso, The development of VP features: an analysis of the acquisition of child Italian (Doctorat de Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, UAB), co-directed with Jaume Mateu. 2005.

Silvia Martínez-Ferreiro, Verbal inflectional morphology in Broca’s aphasia (Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Germanística, UAB). 2003.

Presentacions a conferències i xerrades/Conference presentations and talks
Keidel, A. & Gavarró, A. (accepted) Early Subject-Verb Agreement Acquisition in German Infants: An Eye-Tracking Study. 16th congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language, Praga,  poster presentation, 15–19.07.2024.

Gavarró, A., T. Nazzal & J. Zhu (accepted) Comprehension of wh- questions in infants exposed to Palestinian Arabic. ” Poster presentation at the Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD), Lisboa, 19–21.06.2024.

Ninyerola, D., A. Gavarró & E. Bonet (accepted) Complex syllabic onsets in the acquisition of Catalan. 33rd Colloquium on Generative Grammar, Universidad de Alcalá, 15–17.05.2024.

Ninyerola, D., Bonet, E. & Gavarró, A. (accepted) The acquisition of Catalan word-initial complex onsets. International Child Phonology Conference, ICPC 2024, University of Lousiana at Lafayette, 7–9.05.2024.

Gavarró, A., Jin Yan & Pagliarini, E. (2024) Second Language learners’ resolution of operator scope ambiguities: what do they tell us about learnability principles? Th-XPRAG – IGG49 – Pre-conference workshop, Pavia, 21.02.2024.

Keidel, A. & Gavarró, A. (2023) An eye-tracking study on the early acquisition of subject-verb agreement in German, Eye-tracking and Language Processing Conference, ELPC2023, Atenes, 7.12.2023–8.12.2023.

Pagliarini, E., Yan, J. & Gavarró, A. (2023) A bidirectional study on disjunction and negation in L2 Spanish and Mandarin, Going Romance 37, Nijmegen, 30.11.2023–1.12.2023

Pagliarini, P., Yan, J. & Gavarró, A., (2023) The scope of disjunction and negation in L2: evidence for the Full Access without Transfer hypothesis, 8th Bucharest Colloquium of Language Acquisition, Universitatea din Bucuresti, Workshop on Logical Operators: Theory and acquisition, 18.11.2023.

Gavarró, A. & Nazzal, T., (2023) Which questions did the Palestinian Arabic infant understand? 8th Bucharest Colloquium of Language Acquisition, Universitatea din Bucuresti, 17.11.2023.

Salmons, I., Muntané-Sánchez, H. & Gavarró, A., (2023) Analysis of narratives by Catalan-speaking individuals with chronic aphasia and cognitive impairment. Poster, Academy of Aphasia, Reading, 21.10.23.

Gavarró, A. (2023) The acquisition of clitics: results and prospects. Keynote speaker/conferenciant convidada, The Romance Turn, Madrid, 19.09.23.

Salmons, I., Muntané-Sánchez, H. & Gavarró, A. (2023) Analysis of narratives by Catalan-speaking individuals with chronic aphasia and cognitive impairment. Poster, Academy of Aphasia, Reading, 21.10.23.

Salmons, I., Muntané-Sánchez, H. & Gavarró, A. (2023)Evaluación de un bilingüe con una afasia fluente: la influencia de la estructura de la lengua. XXXIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología, Colegio Profesional de Logopedas de Cantabria/ Escuelas Universitarias Gimbernat-Cantabria, Santander, 28.09.23.

Gavarró, A. & A. Keidel (2023) Three experiments on early parsing of subject-verb agreement in Catalan. 53rd Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), INALCO, Paris, 27.06.23.

Gavarró, Anna, & Io Salmons (2023) Assessing aphasia with Clitic Left Dislocations in Catalan. CATs Event, Háskóli Íslands/Universitat d’Islàndia, Reykjavík, 13.06.23.

Gavarró, Anna, Iman El Hadef & Io Salmons (2023) Relativised Minimality and the acquisition of Moroccan Arabic wh-movement. Rencontres Autour de la Linguistique Formelle (RALFE) 2023 Université Côte d’Azur, 26.05.2023.

Gavarró, Anna, Iman El Hadef & Io Salmons (2023) Impersonal relatives in the acquisition of Moroccan Arabic and their implications. Colloquium of Generative Grammar, EHU, Vitoria/Gasteiz, 25.04.2023.

Agostinho, C., A. Gavarró & A.-L. Santos (2023) Semantic and lexical effects in the acquisition of the verbal passive in EP. OurID Colloquium, Universidade de Lisboa, 19–20.01.2023.

Gavarró, A & A. Keidel (2022) Early comprehension of subject-verb agreement: evidence from Catalan. Presentació oral. Boston University on Language Development (BUCLD) 47, Boston, 11.2022.

Io Salmons, Helena Muntané-Sánchez, Anna Gavarró (2022) Word fluency and object naming in aphasia and cognitive impairment. Pòster, 60th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia,  23-25.10.2022.

Gavarró, A. & A. Keidel (2022) Two experiments on verbal agreement in Catalan and some implications. Pòster, 15th Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition, Frankfurt,  22-24.09.22.

Gavarró, A. and Salmons, I. (2022). The agrammatic comprehension of indirect-object clitic left dislocations in Catalan. The Science of Aphasia Conference, Bordeus, 12.09.2022.

Salmons, I., Muntané-Sánchez, H. and Gavarró, A. (2022). Nonverbal and verbal cognition in Catalan-speaking individuals with aphasia. Pòster, The Science of Aphasia Conference, Bordeus, 13.09.2022.

Salmons, I., Muntané-Sánchez, H. & Gavarró, A.  (2022) The adaptation and standardization of the Catalan version of the Comprehensive Aphasia Test. International Neuropsychological Society – 2022 Meeting, Barcelona, 6-8.07.22.

Salmons, I., Muntané-Sánchez, H. & Gavarró, A. (2022) The association between cognitive and language skills in aphasia. Pòster, International Aphasia Rehabilitation Conference, Filadèlfia, 22-24.06.22.

Margaza, P. & A. Gavarró (2022) Transitive word order and the Interface Hypothesis in L2 Greek and L2 Spanish. ASeFoLA 2022: Advances in second/foreign language acquisition, University of Nicosia, Xipre, 18-19.06.22.

Gavarró, A. & A. Keidel (2022) Comprehension of subject-agreement in L1: some experimental results from Catalan. 31st Colloquium of Generative Grammar,  02.06.2022, Universitat de les Illes Balears.

Gavarró, A., C. Agostinho, S. Gonzàlez & A.-L. Santos (2022) Passive delay: A view from Ibero-Romance. Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages 52, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 21.04.2022.

Gavarró, A. (2022) Sobre l’adquisició de la concordança i la finitud. Seminari del CLT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 11.03.2022.

Gavarró, A. (2022) El retard en les passives en el desenvolupament típic i en les patologies del llenguatge. Seminari del LICLE i del Grup de Recerca en Biolingüística, Universitat de les Illes Balears, 21.01.22.

Margaza, P. & A. Gavarró (2021) Subject distribution in L2 Spanish of L1 Greek speakers: some implications for the IH. Going Romance 2021, workshop ‘Syntactic theory and language acquisition: the Romance perspective’, Universiteit van Amsterdam  & Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 01.12.2021.

Gavarró, A. (2021) On frequency and early syntax. Research seminar, Université de Genève, 22.11.2021.

Zhu, J. & A. Gavarró (2021) Syntactic knowledge and pragmatic congruency in Mandarin infants and adults. The 3rd International Conference on Theoretical East Asian Psycholinguistics, National Tsing Hua University, 20.11.2021.

Salmons, I., Muntané-Sánchez, H. and Gavarró, A. (2021) The adaptation and standardization of the Catalan version of the Comprehensive Aphasia Test (CAT-CAT)”. Poster at the 59th Academy of Aphasia, online conference, 24 October.

Salmons, I., Muntané-Sánchez, H. & A. Gavarró (2021)  CAT-CAT: nueva batería de pruebas para el diagnóstico de afasia en catalanoparlantes. Comunicació oral a XXXII Congreso internacional de la Asociación Española de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología, conferència virtual organitzada per Universitat de les Illes Balears, 01-03.07.21.

Margaza, P. & A. Gavarró (2021) The acquisition of subject position in L2 Spanish and L2 Greek. XV International Symposium of Psycholinguistics, Universidad Nebrija & Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 22.06.21

Zhu, Jingtao & Anna Gavarró (2021) Comprehension of canonical and non-canonical word order in infant Chinese. Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, 07–09.05.2021. Pòster.

Gavarró, A. (2021) On the acquisition of syntax in infants. Invited speaker, International Symposium on Discursive Construction of a Community of Shared Future for Mankind, Xiamen University, 03.04.2021.

Gavarró, A. & J. Zhu (2021) Testing the variational mode: null subjects and null objects in L1 Chinese. Null Objects from a Crosslinguistic and Developmental Perspective. Universidade do Minho, 30.01.21.

Gavarró, A. Incursions in infant and child grammar. Conferència convidada/Keynote speaker, Going Romance 34, Université Paris 8, 27.11.2020.

Salmons, I. & A. Gavarró. The comprehension of focalisation in Catalan agrammatism: the role of morphosyntactic features. Pòster. Academy of Aphasia 58th Annual Meeting, 18–20.10.2020.

Pagliarini, E., M. Andrada, M. T. Guasti, S. Crain & A. Gavarró (2020) The acquisition of negative disjunctive sentences in Catalan: an investigation of the role of age and of language development. Workshop on The Processing of Negation and Polarity,, 02.10.2020.

Gavarró, A. (2020) Some recent findings on the setting of word order parameters in infants. VeReWebLing [Venice Research Webminar in Linguistics], 09.06.2020

Gavarró, A. & Iman El Hadef Hamman (2020) The acquisition of word order in early Moroccan Arabic. 34th Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics, University of Arizona, 29.02.2020.

Gavarró, A. (2019) The SRT for Catalan: Some new results.LITMUS Sentence Repetition Workshop, Universität Konstanz, 16.12.2019.

Pagliarini, Elena, Marta Andrada, Stephen Crain & Anna Gavarró (2019) The acquisition of negative disjunctive sentences in Catalan from alogical and a pragmatic perspective. GALA, 13.09.2019, pòster.

Zhu, Jingtao & Gavarró, Anna (2019). ‘New evidence for very early parameter setting’. GALA (Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition), Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 14.09.2019.

Vilaltella, Sònia, Vanrell, Maria del Mar & Gavarró, Anna (2019). ‘Caracterització prosòdica dels TEA en el seu desenvolupament .’ 11è Workshop sobre la Prosòdia del Català. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 15.07.2019.

Zhu, Jingtao & Gavarró, Anna (2019). ‘Early word order acquisition: evidence from a null argument language’. 4th Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD), Potsdam, 13-15.07.2019.

Gavarró, Anna & González, Sara (2019). ‘The acquisition of subject-experiencer passives in Catalan’. 29th Colloquium on Generative Grammar, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Cuidad Real, 22.05.2019.

Zhu, Jingtao & Gavarró, Anna (2019). ‘No delay in the comprehension of non-canonical word orders with the ba construction at 17 months: An eyetracking study.’ The 27th Annual Conference of International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-27), Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Japan, 10-12.05.2019.

Zhu, Jingtao & Gavarró, Anna (2019). ‘Eye-tracking evidence for the acquisition of topic by 17-month-old infants’. International Workshop on the L1 and L2 Acquisition of Information Structure, KU Leuven, Leuven, 25-26.04.2019.

Zhu, Jingtao & Gavarró, Anna (2019). ‘Does an AGENT-first bias guide sentence comprehension? Evidence from eye-tracking’. Neuroscience of Language, New York University, Abu Dhabi, 22-23.04.2019.

Pagliarini, Elena (Università di Siena), Marta Andrada Reyes (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Maria Teresa Guasti (Università Milano Bicocca), Stephen Crain (Macquarie University) & Anna Gavarró (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) Language abilities predict the interpretation of negative disjunctive sentences in child Catalan. Incontro di Grammatica Generativa (IGG) 45, Università degli Studi di Pavia, 21.02.2019

Pagliarini, Elena, Andrada Reyes, Marta, Guasti, Maria Teresa, Crain, Stephen & Gavarró, Anna. ‘The acquisition of disjunction under negation in Catalan’. Going Romance 2018, Universiteit Utrecht, 12.12.2018.

Zhu, Jingtao  & Gavarró, Anna. ‘Word order in Mandarin 17-month-olds: An eye-tracking study’. The 8th International Conference on Formal Linguistics (ICFL8), Hangzhou, 24.11.2018.

K. Drozd, K., D. Anᵭjelković, M. Savić, O. Toškovic, A. Gavarró, A. Lite, G. Hržica, M. Kovačević, J. Kuvač Kraljević, A. Skordi, K. Jensen de Lopez, L. Sundahl, A. van Hout, B. Hollebrandse, M. van Koert, E. Fabre, A. Hubert, I Noveck, S. Ott, K. Yatsushiro, I. Balčiūnienė, J. Ruzaitė, M. Vija, D. Gatt, H. Grech, E. Haman, D. Kiebzak-Mandera, A. Miękisz, N. Gagarina, J. Puzanova, M. Popović, S. Kapalova, D. Slančová, N. Smith, U. Sauerland, H. van der Lely A cross-linguistic investigation of symmetrical judgments.  Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, 03.11.2018.

J. Zhu, & A. Gavarró. Early comprehension of canonical and non-canonical word orders in Mandarin. Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, 03.11.2018, poster presentation.

Gavarró, A. & J. Zhu. Very early comprehension of word order in Mandarin. 10th International Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics, EACL-10, Università Degli Studi di Milano/Università Degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 28.09.2018.

Zhu, J. & A. Gavarró. Very early comprehension of word order: Evidence from Mandarin. Crossing the borders: Development of language, cognition and the brain. Universität Potsdam, 27-29.09.2018.

Margaza, P. & A. Gavarró. Null/overt subject alternations in L2 Spanish and L2 Greek. Workshop Overt subject pronouns in null subject languages: comparing natives and near-natives, OVPRON18, Università per Stranieri di Perugia, 13.09.2018.

Agostinho, C. & A. Gavarró. The comprehension of verbal passives by children acquiring European Portuguese. The Romance Turn 2018, University of Bucharest, 08.09.2018.

Gavarró, Anna & J. Zhu ‘Abstract knowledge of Mandarin word order by 17 months.’ Child Language Symposium, University of Reading, 26.06.2018.

Gavarró, A. ‘Some results on comprehension in Broca’s aphasia and language processing’. Mallorca Lectures in Neurolinguistics, UIB, Eivissa, 15.06.2018 [Plenary lecture].

Gavarró, Anna & J. Zhu. ‘Early comprehension of word order: Evidence from Mandarin’. 28th Colloquium of Generative Grammar, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 31.05.2018.

Gavarró, Anna. ‘Clitics in the acquisition of Romance.’ Wuppertaler Linguistisches Forum, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 03.03.2018

Zhu, J. & A. Gavarró The setting of the Null Topic parameter in Mandarin-speaking children. 30th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-30), Ohio State State University, 10.03.2018.

Gavarró, A. ‘Objects, clitics, and word order matters.’ Keynote speaker, Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA) 13, Universitat de les Illes Balears,07.09.2017.

Agostinho, C. & A. Gavarró ‘The acquisition of verbal passives by Portuguese-speaking children: Some data from comprehension.’ Going Romance, Bucarest, 07-09.12.2017.

Zhu, J. & A. Gavarró ‘The acquisition of null subjects and null objects in L1 Chinese.’ Second International Symposium on Chinese Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (ISOCTAL-2), Università di Milano-Bicocca, 14-16.12.2017.

Agostinho, C. & A. Gavarró ‘The acquisition of implicit control in European Portuguese: Some facts about comprehension.’ Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA), Universitat de les Illes Balears, 09.09.2017.

Gavarró, A. ‘Language acquisition and change: the acquisition of Catalan partitive and locative clitics.’ Simposium Child-external and child-internal factors in the acquisition of Catalan in a multilingual constellation: 2L1, 3L1 and child L2 in the context of societal bilingualism, 14th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Lyon, 18.07.2017.

Van Hout, A., O. Lungu, M. Arche, H. Demirdache, I. García del Real, A. García, A. Gavarró, L. Gómez Marzo, S. Hommes, N. Kazanina, J. Liu, F. Martin & I. Strangmann, ‘Agent Control and the Acquisition of Event Culmination in Basque, Dutch, English, Spanish and Mandarin.’ Workshop on Non-culminating, Irresultative and Atelic Readings of Telic Predicates. Combining Theoretical and Experimental Perspectives (TELIC 2017), Stuttgart, 12-14.01.2017.

Zhu, Jingtao & Anna Gavarró. 7th International Conference on Formal Linguistics (ICFL-7), Nankai University, Tianjin, 2-4/12/2016.

van Hout, Angeliek, María Arche, Hamida Demirdache, Isabel García del Real, Ainara García Sanz, Anna Gavarró, Lucía Gomez Marzo, Saar Hommes, Nina Kazanina, Jinhong Liu, Oana Lungu, Fabienne Martin, Iris M. Strangmann, Agent Control and the Acquisition of Event Culmination in Basque, Dutch, English, Spanish and Mandarin. Poster presentation, Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, 11/2016.

Gavarró, Anna & Eduardo Palma ‘The pragmatics of subject distribution in the acquisition of Catalan.’ The Romance Turn, Bellaterra, 29/09/2016.

Salmons, I. & A. Gavarró  ‘The role of morphology and prosody in agrammatic comprehension.’ Science of Aphasia XVII, Venezia, 26/09/2016.

Rofes, Adrià, Lilla Zakariás, Klaudia Ceder, Marianne Lind, Monica Bloom Johansson,Jovana Bjekić, Valantis Fyndanis, Anna Gavarró, Hanne Gram Simonsen, Carlos Hernández Sacristán, Jelena Kuvač Kraljević, Silvia Martínez-Ferreiro, Ilknur Mavis, Carolina Méndez Orellana, Lotte Meteyard, Io Salmons, Ingrid Sör, Müge Tunçer, Jasmina Vuksanovic, Spyridoula Varlokosta & David Howard  ‘Word imageability from a cross-linguistic perspective.’ Pòster, Science of Aphasia XVII, Venezia, 28/09/2016.

Lind, Marianne, Fyndanis, Balciuniene, Bjekic, Ceder, Gavarró, Grohmann, Haaland-Johansen, Jacquemot, Johansson, Kambanaros, Kovacevic, Kuvac, Martínez-Ferreiro, Méndez, Orellana, Rofes, Røste, Sacristán, Simonsen, Soroli, Sör, Varlokosta, Vuksanovic, Zakariás, Howard ‘Cross-linguistic adaptations of The Comprehensive Aphasia Test: challenges and solutions.’ 16th ICPLA (International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association) Conference, Halifax, 16/06/2016

Gavarró, A. &. M. Cantú. ‘The founder effect in a South Pacific island: a case of Spanish SLI?’. Going Romance, Nijmegen, 10.12.2015.

Gavarró, Anna, Stephanie Durrleman & Hélène Delage. ‘Cross-linguistic variation in the acquisition of clitics: Evidence from French and Catalan’. Pòster, Boston University Conference on Language Development, Nov 2015.

Gavarró, A. & M. Cantú ‘A study on Spanish SLI in an isolated South Pacific population’. The Romance Turn VII, Venezia, 1-3 Oct 2015.

Gavarró, A., Stephanie Durrleman and Hélène Delage ‘Predictions of the Unique Checking Constraint for the acquisition of clitics: A cross-linguistic study of French and Catalan’. Poster, GALA, Nantes, Sept 2015.

Gavarró, A. ‘Word order matters: A study on early syntax’. Conferència convidada, Workshop del Màster de Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, UAB, 18/5/2015.

Gavarró, A. & M. Cantú ‘A study in Spanish SLI and the founder effect’. Biolinguistic Investigations on the Language Faculty, Pavia, 26-28/01/2015.

Gavarró, A., M. Leela, L. Rizzi & J. Franck ‘Setting the OV parameter: an experiment on Hindi-Urdu’. CAPHL 2014 (International Workshop on Children’s Acquisition and Processing of Head-final Languages), Harvard University, Cambridge, 05/11/2014.

Gavarró, A., M. Leela, L. Rizzi & J. Franck ‘Abstract representation of Object-Verb order by 19 months: An experiment on Hindi-Urdu’. BUCLD 39 (Boston University Conference on Language Development), Boston University, Boston, 09/11/2014.

Salmons, I. & A. Gavarró ‘The comprehension of Catalan OVS and OSV in Broca’s aphasia’. 15th Science of Aphasia Conference, Venezia, 19–24/09/2014.

Gavarró, A. & N. Fortón ‘The acquisition of first and second person clitics and some implications’. The Romance Turn VI, Palma de Mallorca, 18/09/2014.

Gavarró, A., Y. Heshmati & K. Schroeder ‘Passive comprehension in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Danish and Persian. Pòster/Poster, 24th Colloquium of Generative Grammar, CSIC, Madrid, 28/05/2014.

Haman, E., Sharon Armon-Lotem, Jovana Bjekić, M. Cantú, S. Chiat, K. Chyl, I. Dabašinskienė, P. Engel de Abreu, N. Gagarina, A. Gavarró, R. Haas, G. Håkansson, P. Hansen, E. Harel, E. Holm, A. Kalninytė, S. Kapalková, S. Kunnari, C. Levorato, J. Lindgren, M. Łuniewska, K. Mieszkowska, A. Potgieter, I. Ribu, N. Ringblom, T. Rinker, M. Roch, H. Simonsen, D. Slancová, F. Southwood, R. Tedeschi, A. Tuncer, Ö. Ünal-Logacev, J. Vuksanovic. Symposium title: Cross-linguistic Lexical Tasks (CLT): a way to impartial testing of vocabulary in multilingual children across cultures. Symposium convener: Ewa Haman. Symposium, IASCL Congress,  13-19/7/2014, Amsterdam.

M. Łuniewska et al. ‘Age of Acquisition Norms for Nouns and Verbs in 22 Languages’. Pòster/Poster, IASCL 2014 conference, 19-24/7/2014, Amsterdam.

Gavarró, A., M. Leela, L. Rizzi & J. Franck ‘Early knowledge of the OV parameter setting: evidence from Hindi-Urdu’. FASAL (Formal Approaches to South Asian Languages) 4, Rutgers University, 29-30/3/2014.

Hu, Shenai, Anna Gavarró, Mirta Vernice and Maria Teresa Guasti ‘Intervention effects and the acquisition of Chinese relative clauses’. 40 Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, IGG, Trento, 2/2014.

Gavarró, A. & M. Rafel. ‘Clitic production and person features in child Catalan’. Going Romance 2013, Amsterdam, 11/2013.

Salmons, I.& A. Gavarró. ‘Topicalisation in Catalan agrammatism’. Academy of Aphasia, Luzern, 20/10/2013.

Dotti, H. & A. Gavarró. ‘El argumento externo implícito en las pasivas cortas: evidencia del agramatismo’. VI Encuentro de Gramática Generativa EGG6, General Roca, Patagonia, 8/8/2013.

Hu, S. -A. & A. Gavarró. ‘Resumption in Mandarin relative clauses’. The 8th Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics, Paris, 26-28/09/2013.

Gavarró, A. & S. -A. Hu. ‘Rethinking the acquisition of Chinese relative clauses’. GALA, Oldelburg, 09/2013.

Gavarró, A. & M. Leela. ‘The acquisition of scrambling in Malayalam’. Pòster/Poster, GALA, Oldelburg, 09/2013.

Katsos, N., M.J. Ezeizabarrena, A. Gavarró et al. ‘Crosslinguistic patterns in the acquisition of logical words: the case of quantifiers’. International Congress for Linguistics, Geneva, workshop ‘The semantics and pragmatics of logical words: a cross-linguistic perspective’ organised by Jacques Moeschler, Caterina Mauri, Johan van der Auwera. 22–27/07/ 2013.

Gavarró, A. ‘Objects and (2)L1 crosslinguistic variation, and the import of pragmatics’. International Congress for Linguistics, Geneva, workshop ‘Crosslinguistic influence: determining onset and end organised by P. Guijarro-Fuentes and P. Larrañaga. 22/07/ 2013.

Hu, S. -A. & A. Gavarró. ‘Resumption as an option in Mandarin relative clauses’. The 25th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-25), University of Michigan, Ann, Arbor, 21-23/06/2013.

Gavarró, A. & M. Massanell ‘An outline of past participle agreement in Catalan’. International workshop The Syntactic Variation of Catalan and Spanish Dialects, UAB, Bellaterra, 26/6/2013.

Gavarró, A. ‘A test of grammatical maturity for Catalan’. COST IS0804 Final Conference, Jagiellonian University, Cracòvia/Krakow, 5/2013.

Gavarró, A. ‘Verbal and adjectival passives, child and adult Catalan’, ANAGRAMA meetings, CLUL, Universidade de Lisboa, 5/2013.

Gavarró, A. On the acquisition of Catalan passives and related topics, Geneva Research Seminar, 18/12/2012.

Anna Gavarró & Xavier Parramon ‘On the adjectival interpretation of passives: an experimental result’. Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD), pòster/poster, Boston, 03/11/ 2012.

Salmons, I, & A. Gavarró ‘The perception of intonation patterns in Broca’s aphasia’. Prosody in Typical and Atypical Populations, University of Reading, 03/09/2012.

Gavarró, A. & A. Lite ‘Universal quantification in Catalan SLI’. Romance Turn V, 03/07/2012.

Nerantzini, M., S. Varlokosta, D. Papadopoulou & A. Gavarró ‘Pronominal and anaphoric reference in agrammatic aphasia: Evidence from Catalan and Greek’. Pòster/poster, NPL Aphasia, Toulouse, 21–23/06/2012.

Gavarró, A. & H. Dotti ‘The analysis of short passives: evidence from agrammatism’. Pòster/poster, Colloquium of Generative Grammar, Bellaterra, 22/3/2012.

Katsos, N., M.J. Ezeizabarrena, A. Gavarró et al. ‘To what extend does the development of conceptual categories depend on language?’. Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD) 2011, Boston, 4/11/2011

Gavarró, Anna, Xavier Parramon & Lucrècia Rallo ‘Passives and resultatives in the acquisition of Catalan’. GALA 2011, 08/09/2011, Thessaloniki.

Salmons, Io, & Anna Gavarró ‘The discrimination of intonational contours in agrammatism’. Pòster, Science of Aphasia XII, Barcelona, 3/9/2011.

Anna Gavarró & Io Salmons ‘The discrimination of intonational contours in agrammatism’. Oral presentation at The 2nd Nordic Conference of Clinical Linguistics, Oslo, 07/05/2011.

Gavarró, Anna & Xavier Parramon ‘Passives and resultatives in the acquisition of Catalan’, 21st Colloquium of Generative Grammar, Universidad de Sevilla & Universidad Pablo de Olavide, 9/4/2011.

Gavarró, Anna & X. Parramon ‘The acquisition of Catalan passives and the adjectival interpretation’ Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, University of Ottawa, 5/2011.

Gavarró, A. & J. Romeu ‘Agentive versus non-agentive passives in Catalan agrammatism’. Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Athens, 10/2010.

Gavarró, A., A. Cunill, M. Muntané & M. Reguant ‘Catalan child relative contrasts as a processing effect’. Presentat com a pòster/Presented as poster at Galana (Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition in North America) 2010, Toronto, 01/09/2010.

Gavarró, A., A. Belletti, M. T. Guasti, P. Prévost & L. Tuller ‘The acquisition of partitive clitics in Romance 5-yea-olds’. Presentat com a pòster/Presented as poster at The Romance Turn, Université de Tours, 08/2010.

Gavarró, A. & S. Martínez-Ferreiro ‘The cartography of tense and aspect and the Damage Field Hypothesis’. Science of Aphasia, Potsdam, 08/2010.

Gavarró, A. & S. Martínez-Ferreiro ‘Some agrammatic evidence for a hierarchy of functional projections’. Pòster/Poster, XX Colloquium of Generative Grammar, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, 18/03/2010.

Gavarró, A. & S. Martínez-Ferreiro ‘Cartography and agrammatic production in Ibero-Romance’, Going Romance, Nice, 03/12/2010.

Gavarró, A., W. Lewandowski & A. Markova ‘An approach to multiple interrogatives in child Bulgarian and Polish’, Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition GALA2009, Lisboa, 09/09/09.

Markova, A., A. Gavarró & W. Lewandowski ‘Multiple interrogatives:  Bulgarian vs. Polish, child and adult’, 19th Colloquium on Generative  Grammar, Vitoria-Gasteiz, 02/04/09.

Gavarró, A. & V. Torrens ‘The acquisition of participle agreement in early Romance’, The Tenth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics, 03/09.

Gavarró, A. On the acquisition of clitics. Linguistics seminar, King’s College, London.

Gavarró, A. ‘Binding and coreference in Catalan agrammatism’, The Academy of Aphasia Meeting, Turku, 20/10/08.

Gavarró, A. & M. Mosella ‘DIrect vs. indirect clitic omission: An experiment on child Catalan’. Meeting Clitics workshop, Linguistic Institute, Barcelona, 23/08/08.

Gavarró, A. & M. Mosella ‘Testing syntactic and pragmatic accounts of clitic omission’. Galana 2008, UConn, Storrs, 09/08.

Morrill, G. & A. Gavarró ‘Type-logical complexity of Catalan word order and L1 performance’. The Romance Turn, University of Southampton, 09/08.

Gavarró, A.  ‘A first approach to Catalan and Spanish SLI’, Colloquium on Generative Grammar, Girona, 6/07.

Gavarró, A. & W. Lewandowski (‘The acquisition of the left periphery of DP: Evidence from Polish’, Formal Approaches to Slavic Languages, FASL 16, Stony Brook, 5/07.

Gavarró  ‘What linguistic theory makes us expect for Romance SLI’, 37th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, LSRL 37, Pittsburgh, 3/07.

Gavarró, A.  ‘The acquisition of clitics and pronouns: interpretation and production’. Meeting of COST project A33, Humboldt University, Berlin, 2/07.

Martínez-Ferreiro, S. & A. Gavarró  ‘Question production and sentence structure in Ibero-Romance agrammatism’, poster, Science of Aphasia VII (SoA7), Sardinia, 9/07.

Cabré-Sans, Y. & A. Gavarró  ‘Subject distribution and verb classes in child Catalan’, poster, Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition in North America, GALANA, McGill University, 8/06.

Gavarró, A.  ‘Verbal periphrases: evidence beyond adult grammar’. Invited talk, Workshop Sobre Tiempo y Aspecto II, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, 12/06.

Gavarró, A. & V. Torrens  ‘Participle agreement in Catalan and Spansih and some of its implications’, Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, 11/05.

Gavarró, A.  ‘The interpretation of ambiguous dislocations in Broca’s aphasia’, poster, Academy of Aphasia Meeting, Amsterdam, 10/05.

Gavarró, A.  ‘The acquisition of participle agreement and some of its consequences’, Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition, Siena, 9/05.

Gavarró, A.   ‘Object clitic omission: a crosslinguistic study’, Workshop Object omission in child language, organised by M. Pirvulescu, A.T. Pérez-Leroux & A. Roverge, X International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Berlin, 7/05.

Gavarró, A., M. Mata & E. Ribera (‘Object clitic and en clitic omission in child Catalan naturalistic productions’, poster, X International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Berlin, 7/05.

Gavarró, A., M. Mata & E. Ribera  ‘Object clitic and en omission in child Catalan naturalistic productions’, poster, 15th Col.loquium of Generative Grammar, Universitat de Barcelona, 4/05.

Gavarró, A. & J. Solà  ‘Subextraction in child language in a bilingual context’, colloquium Comparative grammar in a language-contact context: empirical data for bilingualism studies’, 5thInternational Symposium on Bilingualism, Barcelona, 4/05.

Gavarró, A. & J. Solà  ‘Subextraction in Romance child and adult interrogatives’. Going Romance 2004, Leiden University, 12/04.

Pérez-Leroux, A., T. Roeper & A. Gavarró  ‘The interpretation of DPs in Catalan and English speaking children’, The Romance Turn, Madrid, 9/04.

Gavarró, A. & J. Solà  ‘Wh-subextraction in child Catalan’, 2nd Lisbon Meeting on Language Acquisition, Universidade de Lisboa, 7/04.

Gavarró, A.  ‘Comentaris a “Potencials evocats cognitius (ERPS) aplicats a l’estudi del llenguatge i l’aprenentatge de segones llengües” de Rodríguez-Fornells et al’. Reunió General de la Xarxa Temàtica, Bellaterra.

Gavarró, A. & A. T. Pérez-Leroux  ‘Definite and bare nouns in child Catalan’, GALA (Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition) 2003, Universiteit Utrecht, 9/03.

Guasti, T., J. De Lange, A. Gavarró & C. Caprin  ‘Article omission: across child languages and across special registers’, GALA (Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition) 2003, Universiteit Utrecht, 9/03.

Gavarró, A., T. Guasti, C. Caprin & J. De Lange  ‘Testing prosodic and syntactic hypotheses on child article omission’. 13th Coloquium of Generative Grammar, Universidad de Ciudad Real, 4/4/03.

Wexler, K., A. Gavarró & V. Torrens  ‘Feature checking and object clitic omission in child Catalan and Spanish’, Workshop on Acquisition, Going Romance 2002, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 30/11/02.

Guasti, M. T., A. Gavarró & M. Llinàs  ‘Catalan as a test for prosodic and syntactic hypotheses on article omission’, 27th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston University, 2/11/02.

Gavarró, A., V. Torrens & K. Wexler  ‘Feature checking and object clitic omission in child Catalan’, 6th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, University of Iowa, 20/10/02.

Gavarró, A. ‘Agrammatic comprehension as failure to Agree’, Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics. Euroconference on the Syntax of Normal and Impaired Language (EURESCO), Corinth, 6/02.

Gavarró, A.  ‘A subject clitic in child Catalan’, 19th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, Univ. Tromsoe, 12/1/02.

Gavarró, A.  ‘Economy and word order in bilingual English-Dutch acquisition’, Third International Symposium on Bilingualism, University of the West of England, Bristol, 4/01.

Gavarró, A.  ‘A functional approach to Catalan verbal periphrases’, Invited talk in Verbalperiphrasen in Katalanischen und anderen romanischen Sprachen im Lichte aktueller Grammatiktheorien, XXVII Deutschen Romanistentags, Univ. München, 9/01.

Gavarró, A.  ‘Features, acquisition and multilingual input’, Ein Kopf – viele Sprache, XXVII Deutschen Romanistentags, Univ. München, 9/01.

Gavarró, A.  ‘La sintaxis del orden de palabras: dos casos de adquisición bilingüe’, taula rodona organitzada per/round table organised by J. M. Fontana & A. Landa, XIX Congreso Anual de la AESLA, Universidad de León, 5/01.

Gavarró, A.  ‘Failure to Agree in agrammatism’, Linguistic Theory, Speech and Language Pathology, Università degli Studi di Padova, 8/00.

Gavarró, A.  ‘Modals in Catalan: acquisition, structure and word order’, 4th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, University of Indiana, Bloomington, 11/00.

Escobar, L. & A. Gavarró  ‘The acquisition of Catalan clitics and its implications for complex verb structure’, 1999 Conference on L1 and L2 Acquisition of Spanish and Portuguese, Georgetown University 11/99.

Escobar, L. & A. Gavarró  ‘The acquisition of Catalan clitics and its implications for complex verb structure’, Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition GALA 99, Universität Potsdam, 9/99.

Escobar, L. & A. Gavarró  ‘The acquisition of Catalan clitics and its implications for complex verb structure’, International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Donostia, 7/99.

Escobar, L. & A. Gavarró  ‘On the delay of principle-B effect in the acquisition of Catalan clitics’, 21 Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft – Klitika, Konstanz, 2/99.

Gavarró, A. & J. Solà ‘Word order acquisition in bilingual contexts: evidence from Catalan’, poster,Language Acquisition: Knowledge Representation and Processing, GALA ’97, Edinburgh, 4/97.

Gavarró, A.  ‘Word order alternations and feature assignment in bilingual Catalan acquisition’, poster, International Symposium on Bilingualism, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 3/97.

Gavarró  ‘Word order alternations and feature assignment in bilingual Catalan acquisition’, Going Romance ’96, OTS, Utrecht, 12/96.

Gavarró  ‘The truncation of functional categories in the early acquisition of Catalan’, Sisè Col.loqui de Gramàtica Generativa, Universitat de València, 4/96.

Gavarró, A.  ‘Flexión en el agramatismo: Dos hipótesis lingüísticas y una propuesta experimental’, poster, III Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Neuropsicología, Hospital Central de Asturias.

Cortés, C. & A. Gavarró  ‘Subject-Object Asymmetries in Catalan’, 18th Meeting of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association, University of New Brunswick, Saint John.

Gavarró, A.  ‘Agrammatic Inflection’, Tercer Coloquio de Gramática Generativa, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, El Escorial, 4/93.

Gavarró, A. ‘Una aproximació generativa a la flexió en l’agramatisme’, XXIV Reunió Científica de la Societat Catalana de Neuropsicologia, 10/93.

Gavarró, A. ‘Inalienability in two Bantu languages’, 22nd Conference on African Languages and Linguistics, RijksUniversiteit Leiden, 9/92.

Gavarró, A.  ‘Qüestions pendents per a les anàlisis d’herència en morfologia’, VIII Congrés de Llenguatges Naturals i Llenguatges Formals, Universitat de Girona.

Gavarró, A.  ‘Word-internal and null complementation: Catalan compounds,’ Algemene Taalwetenschap, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Gavarró, A.  ‘Word-internal and null complementation: Catalan compounds,’ Romanisches Seminar, Universität zu Köln.

Gavarró, A.  ‘Els compostos del català a la teoria de la recció i el lligament.’ Sisè Col.loqui d’Estudis Catalans a Nord-Amèrica, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.

Gavarró, A.  ‘Catalan Compounds in a GB Grammar,’ Graduate Seminar in Linguistics and Philology, Oxford University.

Experiència editorial/Editorial experience
2023– Editora en cap/Editor-in-chief, Catalan Journal of Linguistics, 01.09.2023–

2019– Membre de/Member of the Board of Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics, Springer.

2017– Membre de/Member of the Editorial Advisory Board in the Applied Linguistics field, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

2012– Membre del comitè editorial/Member of the Editorial Board of Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, John Benjamins, Amsterdam / Philadelphia.

2002–2014 Associate editor, Catalan Journal of Linguistics.

1999– 2013 Editor of the Reports de Recerca, Grup de Gramàtica Teòrica, UAB.

1993–2003 Editor of the Carta Informativa de Lingüística, distributed electronically.

Altres activitats/Other activities

Avaluadora per a/Evaluator for
AERES (Agence d’Évaluation de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement
Supérieur); A3ES (Agência de Avaliaçâo e Acreditaçâo do Ensino Superior); ANEP (Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva); FWO Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek– Vlaanderen (Research Foundation Flanders); & NSF (National Science Foundation).

Revisió per a/Reviewing for
Revisora per a/Reviewer for Applied Psycholinguistics, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, Biolinguistics, Borealis, Brain and Language, Catalan Journal of Linguistics, Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, First Language, Glossa, Iberia, Instructed Second Language Acquisition, Isogloss, Journal of Child Language, Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics, Journal of Neurolinguistics, Hamburg Studies in Multilingualism, Language Acquisition, Languages, Lingua, Lingue e Linguaggio, Linguistic Analysis, Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, Nordlyd, Probus, Studia Linguistica, Sintagma, Theoria, Wiley-Blackwell.

Revisora per als congressos/Reviewer for the conferences: Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD), Colloquium of Generative Grammar, Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA), Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition – North America (GALANA), Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (GASLA), Generative Linguistics of the Old World (GLOW), Going Romance, Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, International Association for the Study of Child Language (IASCL), International Symposium on Bilingualism, Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), MorLang 2015 (More than one language in the brain: acquisition and coexistence), Semantics and Philosophy in Europe Colloquium 10, SPE 11, The Romance Turn, WoSSP.

Avaluadora per a/Evaluator for Times Higher Education World University Rankings (2014, 2015); QS Global Academic Survey 2020.

Altres responsabilitats/Other responsabilities

11.02.2020– 09.01.2023 Directora del grup de recerca Centre de Lingüística Teòrica, CLT

04.2018–09.10.2022 Coordinadora del Doctorat en Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge a la UAB i secretària de la Comissió Acadèmica del Doctorat en Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge (UAB, UB, URV).

05.2018–2021 Coordinadora de Tercer Cicle del Departament de Filologia Catalana, UAB.

05.2018–06.2019 Coordinadora del Màster de Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge.

2014 – 2017 Coordinadora dels programes d’Intercanvi/Exchange Program coordinator (Erasmus+, Programa Propi, SICUE), Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres, UAB.

2011 – 2014 Coordinadora del Programa Erasmus/Coordinator of the Erasmus program, Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres, UAB.

2009 – 2014 Membre de la Comissió de Doctorat del Doctorat en Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, UAB.

2009 – 2014 Coordinadora del Màster Interuniversitari de Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Pertinença a comitès i organització/Committee membership and organisation
2022: Chair de Going Romance, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 30.11.22–2.12.22.

2021: Membre del jurat del Premi Aina Moll, Direcció General de Política Lingüística del Govern de les Illes Balears.

2021: Chair del 30th Colloquium of Generative Grammar, UAB.

2016: Chair of The Romance Turn VIII, Bellaterra 29-30 September 2016.2016: 

2013–2017: Membre del comitè de selecció de l’International Doctorate Experimental Approaches to Language and Brain (IDEALAB), de les universitats de Potsdam, Groningen, Trento i Macquaire, coordinats per B. Höhle.

2011: Organitzadora de 12th Science of Aphasia, Barcelona.

2008: Organitzadora del Linguistic Institute summerschool, Barcelona.

2007: Chair de GALA 2007 (Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition), Barcelona.

2006: Organitzadora del Workshop on the Acquisition of Number Marking, GLOW (Generative Linguistics of the Old World), Barcelona, amb M. T. Guasti.

2004: Organitzadora del Workshop on Generative Approaches to the Acquisition of Morphology, 11th International Meeting on Morphology, Viena, amb C. Lleó. 

Membre dels comitès científics de: Escola d’Estiu de Lingüística Catalana (EDELC), 2022, 2023, Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition – GALA (Oldenburg 2012); New Trends in Experimental Psycholinguistics (Madrid, 2011); ‘NPL‐Aphasia‐2012’ (Toulouse, 2011); Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition – GALA (Tessalònica, 2011); The Romance Turn (Madrid, 2004); 2nd Lisbon Meeting on Language Acquisition (Lisboa, 2004).

Organització de diverses activitats del Centre de Lingüística Teòrica: editora del Reports de Recerca (1999–2012); coordinadora del Seminari de Sintaxi i Semàntica (1995–1997); creadora i editora de la Carta Informativa de Lingüística, de distribució electrònica (1993–2003).