Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 25-26 d'octubre de 2018

    The goal of this workshop is to reflect on and re-consider the notion of “acceptability” and related concepts, and the ways in which they can inform linguistic theorizing. Judgments of “well-formedness” and “deviance” are standardly employed in generative linguistics since Chomsky’s (1955/1975, 1957, 1965) foundational works, despite the fact that these notions have never been clearly defined and their relevance for natural language prominently denied (cf. Chomsky 1986, Chomsky & Lasnik 1993, and Ott 2017 for a survey, amon many others). Is our theory of grammar primarily a model of acceptability (and if so, what exactly is acceptability/deviance?), or of something else, e.g. the constrained ways in which sound and meaning can be paired in natural language, including in “deviant” expressions (Chomsky 1993)? What kinds of speaker intuitions do we want our theory to account for, and which should we exclude as extraneous “noise”? Can naive speakers provide relevant intuitions, or should we rely on linguistically trained informants? How does acceptability relate to grammaticality--if at all? And what can related notions such as speaker preferences, negative data, intra-speaker variation, and substandard/non-frequent data tell us about the language faculty, and the ways in which we can elucidate its nature?

    Gisbert Fanselow (University of Potsdam)
    Wolfram Hinzen (ICREA & UPF)
    Antonella Sorace (University of Edinburgh)

    Ángel J. Gallego (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
    Jaume Mateu (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

    Please find all relevant information at https://sites.google.com/view/acceptability/home

    Workshop on Aspect and Argument Structure of Adverbs/Adjectives and Prepositions/Participles
    Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 7-8 de juny de 2018

    WAASAP is an international Workshop series celebrated biannually that focuses on the aspect and argument structure of adjectives and participles and adverbs and prepositions. In the time of its existence, it has developed into a referential forum of discussion of the theory of predicative non-verbal categories. Past editions have taken place at the University of Greenwich (2012), The Artic University of Norway at Tromsoe (2014) and The University of Lille 3 (2016).

    The different topics that we want to discuss include but are not restricted to the following:
    - Aspect: paths, scales and part/whole structures
    - The syntax and semantics of possession and its relationship with auxiliary selection in perfective forms
    - Prepositions, applicatives and voice: argument introducer heads.

    Invited Speakers
    Artemis Alexiadou (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)
    Elena Anagnostopoulou (University of Crete)
    Hana Filip (Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf)
    Berit Gehrke (Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7)

    Important dates
    Extended Deadline for abstract submission: January 29, 2018.
    Notification of acceptance: March 16, 2018.
    Date of the workshop: June 7-8, 2018.

    María J. Arche
    Josep Ausensi
    Antonio Fábregas
    Josep Maria Fontana
    Rafael Marín
    Anna Pineda
    Cristina Real-Puigdollers

    Please find all relevant information at https://sites.google.com/view/waasap4/

    Queens’ College, University of Cambridge, 8–9 May 2017

    The workshop “Morphosyntactic Variation in Adpositions” will take place at Queens’ College, University of Cambridge, on 8–9 May 2017, aiming at furthering our understanding of cross- and intra-linguistic morphosyntactic variation, either synchronic or diachronic, in adpositional elements —including prepositions, postpositions, adpositional prefixes and particles.

    Peter Svenonius (Universitet i Tromsø)
    Cristina Real Puigdollers (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

    Víctor Acedo-Matellán (Queens’ College, University of Cambridge)
    Anna Pineda (IKER - UMR 5478 (CNRS, UBM, UPPA))
    Jaume Mateu (Centre de Lingüística Teòrica - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
    Theresa Biberauer (University of Cambridge)
    Ioanna Sitaridou (University of Cambridge, Queens’ College)

    Deadline for abstract submission: 15 February 2017
    Notification of acceptance: 1 March 2017
    Workshop dates: 8–9 May 2017

    Please find all relevant information at http://blogs.uab.cat/adpositions/

    Bellaterra, 29-30 September 2016 

    The Romance Turn brings together researchers from across Europe and overseas with the aim of sharing results and developing further research on the acquisition of Romance languages. Language acquisition studies both in children and adult learners are central to building our understanding of human language and how it develops in the brain. The field has witnessed a continuous growth during the past three decades. Over this period, empirical evidence provided by research conducted on the acquisition of Romance languages such as French, Italian, Catalan, Spanish, Romanian and Portuguese has become increasingly productive.
    Following the success of previous Romance Turn conferences (Madrid (2004), Utrecht (2006), Southampton (2008), Tours (2010), Lisbon (2012), Mallorca (2014), and Venezia (2015) the Romance Turn VIII will be held in Bellaterra, hosted by the Centre de Lingüística Teòrica.


    Extended abstract submission deadline: April 15, 2016
    Acceptance notification: April 29, 2016
    Registration opening: May 2, 2016
    Early bird registration deadline: July 29, 2016

    WEB CONGRÉS: filcat.uab.cat/theromanceturn


    25 i 26 d'octubre, 2018

    Acceptability judgments in current linguistic theory (UAB)

    Gisbert Fanselow (University of Potsdam)
    Wolfram Hinzen (ICREA & UPF)
    Antonella Sorace (University of Edinburgh)

    7 i 8 de juny, 2018

    Workshop on Aspect and Argument Structure of Adverbs/Adjectives and Prepositions/Participles (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

    Artemis Alexiadou (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)
    Elena Anagnostopoulou (University of Crete)
    Hana Filip (Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf)
    Berit Gehrke (Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7)

    Dijous, 2 de febrer del 2017

    Workshop "Morphosyntactic Variation in Adpositions" (Queen's College, University of Cambridge, 8-9 May 2017)

    The workshop “Morphosyntactic Variation in Adpositions” will take place at Queens’ College, University of Cambridge, on 8–9 May 2017, aiming at furthering our understanding of cross- and intra-linguistic morphosyntactic variation, either synchronic or diachronic, in adpositional elements —including prepositions, postpositions, adpositional prefixes and particles.

    Peter Svenonius (Universitet i Tromsø)
    Cristina Real Puigdollers (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

    Víctor Acedo-Matellán (Queens’ College, University of Cambridge)
    Anna Pineda (IKER - UMR 5478 (CNRS, UBM, UPPA))
    Jaume Mateu (Centre de Lingüística Teòrica - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
    Theresa Biberauer (University of Cambridge)
    Ioanna Sitaridou (University of Cambridge, Queens’ College)

    Deadline for abstract submission: 15 February 2017
    Notification of acceptance: 1 March 2017
    Workshop dates: 8–9 May 2017

    Please find all relevant information at: http://blogs.uab.cat/adpositions/.


    Dijous, 26 de gener del 2017

    Workshop on Dative structures and beyond (26-27 gener 2017, UAB)

    This workshop aims to explore different notions surrounding dative structures in languages belonging to the Romance family and beyond –including, also, Basque. The workshop will be held at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, in Catalonia, on January 26-27, 2017.

    Invited speakers:
    María Cristina Cuervo (University of Toronto)
    Adam Ledgeway (University of Cambridge)
    Beatriz Fernández (University of the Basque Country)




    Dimecres 30 de març del 2016
    Crida per articles / Call for papers



    Dimecres 30 de març del 2016
    Premi concedit a la Mar Massanell

    Premi Prat de la Riba, de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans, corresponent a l'any 2016, per l'obra "Feve temps que no diva tants verbs!" Manteniment i transformació de paradigmes verbals en el català nord-occidental del tombant de segle (Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 2012, 237 pàg. + CD, Col·lecció "Textos i Estudis de Cultura Catalana", 176)