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The object of the project is to study the concept of “modernity” from its first appearance in the 19th century then its subsequent evolution and diversification in Catalan literature. Two factors have encouraged us to propose this study: first the generalisation of the concept of ‘Modernism’ in English-language culture, mechanically applied in our own cultural spheres; then ‘Postmodernism’, which has advocated the ending of ‘modernity’ as an aesthetico-social value in itself. These concepts have created confusion and uncertainty, but they have also opened new perspectives from which it is necessary to revise the literary past and the diverse modes of how it is conceptualised. In Catalan culture ‘modernity’ has operated as a substantial myth, inseparable from that culture’s aspiration to represent a society which is industrially and socially advanced. It has, consequently, impacted on the organisation and institutionalisation of literary life, on creative language, and even on the construction of literary history. Thus we propose to analyse the discourses which have grown up around this concept, especially when these discourses have acquired a programmatic dimension, thereby having a repercussion in the formation of Literature-as-Institution. Another objective of the project is, at the same time, to review and reinterpret academic discourses in the history of literature that have been generated on the basis of notions of ‘modernity’. |